Thursday, November 18, 2010

I need a calendar.....good thing I am making one!

Project is going great! Took pictures last weekend. I took pictures of one family and five exchange students with a start of $100 to my buy a yearbook camera fund. Good news is tomorrow I have a family to take as well as three to five booked between now and Thanksgiving break! I am glad my goal seems to get closer and closer. The picture I posted was one of my favorites that I took of the family I did last Sunday. That family was the first time I have ever taken pictures of boys. Unlike girls, boys do NOT like to get their pictures made. It was quite the challenge. I am giving the family their CD on Monday. I really hope all of the families like their pictures! Taking pictures makes me very nervous at times. I have had to talk with a lot of people on the phone working with scheduling and such I do not like it but I think I am starting to improve! I have one family tomorrow followed by two this weekend. I have more to schedule and many more pictures to take! Including school pictures for yearbook! I was put in the paper for photography contests. 2nd place and honarable mention in Peidmont Fair and 1st place in the SCISA contest in the entire state! I am very excited about seeing my own picture in the paper. I am trying to come up with days where I can schedule people. The photo sessions are taking about 1-2 hours! That is a long time but I take a lot of pictures so the families not only have a lot to choose from but I also make sure I have enough good ones! I am having fun but I am one busy girl!
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1 comment:

  1. THAT IS AN AWESOME PICTURE!! I love it and I am SURE his mom will too!!!
    Keep on top of that calendar! There really are only 24 hours in a day!!!
