Friday, March 18, 2011

This has been my week!

To the left this picture has been pretty much what I have been doing all week. I am helping out.....(surprise) with the action and I had to take pictures of grades 6-12 and K-4.
I had to organize each grade at different locations around school. I also helped photograph auction items. These pictures of each grade will be auctioned off to make money for the school all I really hope people like them and want to buy them. Thanks go out to admistration for helping me take these pictures get people quiet and placing people!
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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Calendar is a full work in progress!

This is a picture of the the layout of my calendar this picture is where the front cover will be. I have started working full force on my calendar! Picking tons and tons of pictures out! I am using indesign to create my calendar which is the same program we use for yearbook it is very complex but I am pretty used to it! Lots of work ahead of me but feeling better now that I have all 12 months laid out I just have to add pictures! Since I live and breathe pictures hopefully this will not be too hard!
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Friday, March 4, 2011

More Time.....Still not enough

I got more time because adventure week was cancelled...........adding another week for me to work on my calendar. I am working ALL next two weeks on nothing but the calendar! I am getting Mrs. Ledbetter to send an email stating basically to leave me alone for the next two a nice way.