"The Pictures aren't on the CD...." I made my first big mistake this past week. I was editing photos and saving them to a disk and I formatted the CD wrong and the pictures did not save onto the CD so when the family went to look at their pictures they were not on the disk. It worked out though I made the family a new CD and all is well. My biggest challenge as you can see in the picture is the size of families. The last two bookings I have had were big families. One family had seven people and the other had eight. Telling people where and how to stand can be major challenge. I hope the families are understanding that I am by no means a professional. On
saturday I took a
families pictures at their house
in front of a lake and they went great I think they really liked them! The family I did Sunday afternoon was
definetly a learning
experience. The sun was very bright I would place the family
one way and the sun would be behind them and it would not work, and then I would face them another way and the sun would be in their face. I took those pictures at Glendale my favorite picture place but not the place to take photos in the middle of the day! The photo to the right was one of the only ones I liked. I am very worried about the family not liking these as much. I am very new at this so from this
experience I learned two things. First I learned that taking pictures at 1:30 is not a good idea. Second I am still researching the best way to take photos with bright light. The good news is that I have $350 for camera fund and have three
families coming up in the next two weeks. This project is a learning
experience and that is all that matters! I am learning!
Excellent post Tay!!! I can imagine this is truly a learning experience. It is great that you are describing your learning experiences in your blog because when you go to create your presentation at the end of the year you will have so much to share! Keep up the good work!