I have been an
extremely busy girl and I am very thrilled to finally be on Christmas Break. I have been running around school....afterschool....before school taking pictures. It seems that every five minutes someone needs something. The good news is all by time will pay off in the
future. I have been working on many school things such as picking out pictures for the banners than will be hung downtown
Spartanbug for the entire month of January. The banners have two of my pictures. Glad to be
displaed in downtown Spartanburg and will also be something good to put in not only my senior project portfolio but also but photography portfolio. I also am working on picking out and shooting pictures for the school tour
brochures. One of my favorite photos that I was secretly hiding for the yearbook my favorite picture from this entire year I let go this week. Mrs.
Ledbetter my mentor and I both
agreed that this photo is great for not only the yearbook but also that it would
benefit my future to be seen by more and more people on the tour
brochure if it is used. I also have been
extremely busy working on the Villager....which is FINALLY done!! The Villager is the yearly news publication at
Oakbrook. I took almost all of the pictures in the Villager except for maybe three or four. In the past few weeks I have had to take a pictures for the Villager that included school
administration pictures as well as a picture of the schools board which was quite awkward because I am used to taking photographs of children not adults. I am having to step out of my
comfort zone a lot. So I have completed the Villager photos as well as the down town banners. Working on yearbook, catching up on Knightly News because I have not had photos in there for several weeks because I have been so busy but plan to start again after the first of the year. I also am working with people on making the school
brochure better and next maybe even the schools website. All of these things that I am doing will look great in my photography portfolio!! The picture to the left is one of my favorites from last week. I took pictures at the Winter Concert and enjoyed taking dance photos for the first time! I cannot wait for their next performance dancing photography is very challenging. Glad to be on break to well....take a break! After I return to school I will be busy working on my calendar and hopefully more family photos I need at least 4 more
families to buy camera but also more
families after that to help pay publishing costs for my calendar! Cannot wait for 2011 but it will for sure be a very very busy year filled with lots and lots of pictures!